The Battle Lake FFA Milk Quality Team placed first for the third year in a row at the Region 3 FFA CDE. Team members are Eliana Cole, Adysen Tysdal, Andrea Schmidt, Ellie Gibbs and Vincent (Vinnie) Boyum. Eliana picked up where she left off last spring, where she was the eleventh place individual at state, by placing first in this year’s regional contest. She was over 50 points ahead of the second place finisher. Ellie had an impressive score for her first year by placing fifth and Adysen, in her second year in the contest, turned in a great score by placing seventh individually out of 42 contestants competing this year. Both Vinnie and Andrea were just out of the top ten The number of teams and contestants doubled from last year’s event making the team’s placing more impressive.
The FFA Milk Quality Career Event requires the students to identify and score off flavors of milk that can be caused by cow health and microorganisms, identify cheeses by texture and flavor, analyze mastitis counts, distinguish real dairy products from artificial ones by flavor and fat content, analyze trends in dairy production nation-wide and take a 60 question written test on milk production and marketing.