The Jr. High Bands of Battle Lake, Henning, and Underwood joined forces for the 13th Annual Jr. High Band Festival on Wednesday, March 11th. The directors, JoAnn Orpen, Ben Johnson, and T.J. Pelanek each chose a song and worked with the combined group to prepare it for an afternoon concert. The individual bands each performed a song as well; Electric Lady by Battle Lake, Junk Funk by Henning, and Disney's Magic Kingdom by Underwood. The combined band songs were Due North, Lasses of Lore, and Colors of the Wind. In addition, the combined group was challenged to sight read a piece called Pandora. They worked on it for about a half hour, and performed that as well. Sometimes these students are in competition with each other, but on this day in Battle Lake, they worked together as a unit. Nice job OTC Band!
Jr. High Band Festival 2020
March 13, 2020