Hey Folks! We're kicking off our annual Fall Softener Salt Fundraiser! To order salt, speak with one of the choir students, or order from Heather Thormodson at hthormodson@hotmail.com. Orders are due Friday, October 9, 2020. Checks should be made out to Music Makers.
An organized pick-up will be held at the gravel parking lot south of the school’s front entrance. Customers will remain in their vehicles in a line while students & parents/guardians load salt into vehicles with face mask coverings.
Order quantities of 2 or more pallets (63 bags/pallet) can be delivered directly to your location! We are encouraging folks this year to purchase a 12 month supply which is different than in year’s past. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the supply chain.
Strive for excellence on this "Motivational Monday!"
The September Counseling Newsletter is here! Happy Thursday everyone! https://www.smore.com/m35js
Free breakfast & lunch meals available to all Battle Lake students until December 31, 2020 or until USDA funds are depleted, whichever comes first. View the image to learn more.
What can a banana do for me? Find out on this "Health Tip Tuesday!"
Just get started on this "Motivational Monday!"
Good morning families! Public Health has notified us that Flu Shots wil NOT be given at the school this year. Vaccinations are available at local clinics and pharmacies (some walk-in, some by appointment). Public Health recommends getting shots earlier this year due to COVID-19.
Please access an important family update regarding a learning model adjustment by clicking the link below.
It's "Throwback Thursday!" Anybody remember these fashion trends?
Remember to wash your hands on this "Health Tip Tuesday!"
It's all about leadership on this "Motivational Monday!"
Today, Mrs. Walkowski’s floriculture class ventured outside to find plants to create natural arrangements! Not too bad for the first ones of the semester!
It's "Fun Fact Friday" and we are learning more about the standard pencil and what it can do. Take a look!
Please use the link below to access today's update.
Please use the link below to access today's family update.
Weekly Update regarding our COVID index number. Our index number this week is 8.97, up a little from last week. We remain with in-person learning for all for the start of school. We are looking forward to seeing the students on Tuesday!!!!
Back to School Update 8/27:
Use this LINK to access the letter.
Just a reminder to parents to create an account at https://schoolpay.com/ This is where you will get all of the required permission forms your students need for the beginning of the school year, and to receive their Chromebook. Go in and create your account, choose all your child(ren) and the forms should be there. Thank you
Return to School Update for 8/27
Use the link below to access the update.
Please check your email for an exciting announcement about our Before and After School Enrichment programs! Before School 7:00-8:15am, $4/day and After School 3:15-6:00pm, $6/day both on days when school is in session. Open to our Pre-school 4-year-olds and K-6th Grades!